Economics        17 января 2020        1140         0

The appointment of Mikhail Mishustin as prime minister is a positive development for the Russian stock market

From 2008 to 2010, during a break in the civil service, Mikhail Mishustin headed the investment fund UFG Capital Partners. This fund invests in the Russian stock market and real estate, as well as venture financing. In particular, the fund invested in Yandex before the IPO.

Now the UFG fund is part of the UK Region, associated with Rosneft. In 2011, after Mishustin moved to the post of head of the Federal Tax Service, the control over UFG was transferred to Deutsche Bank, in 2013 Aton bought the fund. In 2015, the fund was sold to a group of private investors, and in 2018 it was annexed to the Region.

One of the funds managed by UFG is the Russia Select Fund. He invests in shares of the largest Russian companies and highly reliable blue chips of other CIS countries. From the beginning of 2010 to the end of March 2018, the fund’s yield was + 78% in dollars, while the RTS index fell by 14%.

The photo shows a list of the 20 largest positions of the UFG fund. A significant portion of the funds, $ 33.7 million, was invested in Trans-Siberian Gold. The fund also holds long on top shares of the Russian Federation, in particular, Rosneft (MOEX: ROSN (, Surgutneftegaz (MOEX: SNGS ( ru / issuer / 46 /)), Aeroflot (MOEX: AFLT (, Yandex (MOEX: YNDX ( 55 /)), Lukoil (MOEX: LKOH ( and others.


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